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Welcome to some of my passion projects : Sustainable Caribbean & the Crate Barbados, Nurtured x Nature as well as a bit on my most recent role as Resident Explorer with the UNDP Accelerator Lab.


Sustainable Caribbean


Small change | Big Impact 


A social enterprise offering consulting services, conscious and responsible consumption and advocacy & outreach.  


With consulting services offered to public, private & third sector with past clients including Government, international organizations such as the United Nations  (UNDP, FAO, UNCTAD), academia such as CERMES, UWI Cave Hill,  third sector such as Slow Food Barbados and collaboration with IFIs such as IADB & CDB, international non - profit, Oceanic Global and more, we have a diverse range of expertise and experience to create impact with you!

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The Crate Barbados 


The Caribbean's 1st one stop eco shop


For Conscious Caribbean Consumption 


The Crate encourages you to make simple swaps towards sustainability by providing solutions through our products and knowledge with a focus on reduction, restoration and regeneration. 


Products available online and in stockists, Beach Plus Life and Ryan's Happy Place. 



Nurture x Nature 

My healing journey 




Inspire change through connection 


A journey of healing my body, mind, heart & soul through deep connection to and nurtured by [x] nature. 


Trusting my roots and the process to become more resilient while creating magic and revealing my radiance. 


I'm from wishing to create a more just World. I'm from the dance of the breath - like the Ocean which is my cure. 


A new offering coming soon for individuals experiencing pregnancy loss: well - being collection and yoga support. 





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Most recently: UNDP Accelerator Lab 

Resident Explorer at the Accelerator Lab, United Nations Development Programme in Barbados & the Eastern Caribbean (August 2019 - August 2023)

As an Ocean and Climate action champion, I have a deep passion, love, connection and respect to the Blue and Green. Using my voice to inspire and empower change, I am currently learning, exploring, connecting and innovating to co – create grassroots solutions to challenges in key Blue Economy sectors such as fisheries, tourism, waste management, renewable energy, restoration and regeneration. Through an Orange inspired Blue Economy for Green Islands approach, I hope to continue to elevate and amplify community voices and solutions to co – create change and impact. 

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